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Benefit Advanced AI and Computing Lab Vision: “To be a center for excellence and a national resource inspiring researchers, students, and entrepreneurs in artificial intelligence and computing.”

In response to the initiative by H.M. the King for a comprehensive national plan for the needs of the digital economy and employing artificial intelligence technology in service and productive sectors, the University of Bahrain is actively developing academic programs to serve this royal initiative and to support the national economy. These programs are graduating qualified and professional persons that are leading the digital transformation in the public and private sectors in Bahrain.

Through a partnership between University of Bahrain and Benefit Bahrain Company (one of the leading FinTech companies in the country) an Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Computing Laboratory was founded in 2021 at the College of Information Technology, which would serve several scientific and research initiatives, including the:

  • PhD in Computing Program
  • MSc in Machine Learning Program
  • Big Data Science and Analytics Program
  • Undergraduate courses in high performance computing
  • Undergraduate courses in Artificial Intelligence
  • Joint research with CERN

This national high performance cluster includes hundreds of CPU cores as well as some powerful GPUs, that will allow researchers to build powerful AI models for FinTech, health, art, science, and other fields.